1 3.7M views

Daniel Robert Dinu Follow

I'm Daniel, a passionate concert photographer. I founded Gigxels, a platform that connects photographers with music artists. I love to walk and reading sci-fi books.

4 243K views

Claudiu Atanasoaie Follow

Seasoned concert photographer.

6 147.2K views

David Mihailescu Follow

Actiongrapher - i like creating dynamic visuals :)

7 124.6K views

Adrian Apostu Follow

Cluj-Napoca/ Brasov based photographer trying out many different styles. Full-time memory-maker.

8 124.4K views

Alin-Daniel Pandaru Follow

Trying not to take myself too serious. Concert photographer since 2009.

10 85.8K views

Miruna Nicolae Follow

Music is art, art is life.

13 78.6K views

Andrei Mușat Follow

Passionate concert photographer. Digital for Virgin Radio Romania

15 43.6K views

Avram Nicol Elena Follow

Hello! I am 19 years old, I have been taking pictures since the 4th grade, but my passion for concert photography materialized in 2016. I am happy to share my work from the last years with yo

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