
    • You must be the original creator and own the rights to every image you will upload.
    • We accept original artwork and photos (jpg and png). We don't accept screenshots, in-game captures, composite art, digital art or any other form of non-photographic image.
    • Images must have at least 3 megapixels with a minimum side length of 1920 px. We encourage you to upload as high resolution as you can (maximum 20 megapixels per image) .
    • We accept photos taken with any kind of camera (including mobile) as long as the photos meet our requirements.
    • We don’t accept unclear photos, images containing excess noise, heavy vignetting or images that are over edited (oversharpened, oversaturated colors). Images must not contain borders, graphics, text or watermarks overlaid on them.
    • No explicit content (graphic nudity, violence, etc.)
    • No duplicated photos (submitting a black and white photo after a color version of the same photo).
    • No images depicting people in an offensive way.
    • Don't use photos with identifiable brands to create a misleading association with a product or service.
    • Don't redistribute or sell someone else's images on other stock or wallpaper platforms.
    • No hotlinking: if you want to show Gigxels images on your website, please upload them to your server.Â